Thursday, May 21, 2009

I haven't posted in a long time. Yikes!!

School has been going good. I will admit, after 2 years, I'm getting a bit burned out. I just need to keep going...I only have a few months left until I graduate. Plus, we're starting some new stuff next week and I'm really looking forward to it.

Last night I had a fun haircut. She's the daughter of one of my regular clients, and I was so happy when she told me that her mom won't let her go to anyone else to get her hair cut. She got a lot cut off. Here is the before picture:

She had so much hair, and no fringe to speak of. So, I cut a lot of length off and gave her a little bit of layering and a swoop fringe. She LOVED it and so do I. It was so fun to cut.

Here is the after:

Back in January I was in the ISSE competition and below are the before and after pictures.



No one from my school placed in the competition, but we had fun doing it.

I have more pictures, but I'll try to post them later. I just wanted to do a quick update while I had the chance.

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