Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Haircut

since I've been back to school after my leave of absence.

Her hair was down past the middle of her back. She came in wanting a big change. She started out with long, straight hair that was all one length.

I cut it to her shoulders (square shape with flat layers) and a swoop fringe. It was fun to do and she loved it.

During the day I also did another women's haircut, a men's all-over color, and a men's haircut. A good first day back at my station!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First day back

Last night I went back to school and I'm so glad I did. I had a fun night, but didn't do anything. My name hasn't been added to the appointment book yet, so I just hung out with other students and helped them with whatever they were doing. It was fun. I'm just hoping that I'll have some appointments tonight. I need to get back into the groove of things.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Today's Haircut

A lady in my ward called me last week to ask me if I could cut her hair, she got my name and number from the Relief Society President, and I said I would do it. She told me that she only cuts her hair once every 6 years and I figured it would be good experience. I made sure she knew that I was still in school and she was totally OK with that. Works for me. Here is the before picture of her LONG, LONG hair.

This is the back of her hair...she wanted it SHORT!
This is the side.
And the front. It looks uneven on one side, but it's not. Just the way it curled after I dried it. I'm so glad that she loves it. She was so happy.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Going Back!!!!

I go back to school on Tuesday and I can't wait!!!! I have been gone since the beginning of August and I'm excited to go back. The biggest thing...this pushes my graduation date back even further. I was originally supposed to graduate September 2009, but because of my first LOA because of my mom's medical issues (months in the hospital) and my dad's recent surgery (1 month in the hospital) my graduation date is now March 2010...UNLESS...I can talk my husband into letting me go to school full time. Right now I'm only going 20 hours a week, but if I can manage to go 36 hours a week I can graduate this summer. If I am able to go 36 hours a week I'm going to have to cut out a few things...Like being PTO president at the kids school. That just takes up so much of my time. During the last 2 weeks I was at the school 52 hours and I can't do that once school starts, even if I do only go back 20 hours a week.
Now that mom is starting to get better and isn't having to be in the wheelchair all the time, I'm having to do less for her. She's getting stronger every day but still has her bad days.
School is MY time. No husband, no kids, no parents, no worries. I love it!!!