Thursday, August 7, 2008

Straight Razor Shaves

So, they actually expect me to shave a man's face with a straight edge razor...and not cut the heck out of his face. Hmmmm, this should be interesting.
Last night they showed us how to do the shave, then they had us practice on each other. Thankfully they were brilliant enough to let us practice without the blade in the razor.

These are a couple of girls in my class who were just finishing up. It was really hard to do with a straight face, especially because we had to put on the shaving foam and after shave.

Here we are doing the hot towel treatment. I'm sitting in the chair. It felt pretty good, however, the shaving foam is a strange feeling.

And just for the heck of it, here is my styling station.
Tonight is going to be my first experience giving a men's haircut and straight razor shave...Thank goodness for dad's!!!
He may want to get more life insurance before he comes in.
I'll try to get more pictures of Malcom in the next couple of days. He is now clean shaven (as clean as you can get on a plastic head) and has a flat top hair style.
I love, love, love doing the flat top hair cut. Very fun.
I should have some pictures posted tomorrow from the hair cut and shave session...if he's still alive. He He He!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

My first haircut in barbering

A little about me:

I'm Jenn, a wife, mom and student...a cosmetology student. I attend Cameo College of Essential Beauty. I started last September (had to take a 3 month leave of absence) and have a little over 500 hours behind me (out of the 2000 that I need to graduate). The going is slow, but I'm enjoying my time at school. It's my sanctuary from reality. I'm 37 years old and will be 38 when I finally graduate, but that just gives me a little more life experience. :) I will admit, working on actual clients makes me nervous as heck, but I'm living by the saying, "Fake it until you make it". I'm doing a lot of faking. LOL

I have finished my Vidal Sassoon haircutting class (but forgot to take pictures) and am now in Barbering...I love it!!! These are my before and after pictures of Magnum:



Isn't he handsome??